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Latest Issue:
Romanian Neurosurgery
Vol. XXXV, No. 2, June 2021

21 Articles – 240 pages

Subarachnoid haemorrhage. A critical neurosurgical emergency

Alexandra Bibiriță, Daniel Teleanu, Alexandru Vlad Ciurea

Meningioma in shape. Can the appearance of tumour margins be considered as a prognostic factor?

A.I. Cucu, Mihaela Cosman, B. Dobrovat, Cristina Dascalu, Ioana Jitaru, R.B. Sandu, A. Tudor, Claudia Costea, Mihaela Turliuc, Gabriela Dumitrescu, Anca Sava, I. Poeata

The role of MRI-guided focused ultrasound in neurosurgery. A narrative review

Marius Gabriel Dabija, Ioan Sebastian Nechifor, Vlad Andrei Dabija, Bogdan Costachescu, Lucian Eva

The stent-assisted coil-jailing technique for very small intracranial aneurysm treatment

A. Chiriac, N. Dobrin, Georgiana Ion, Z. Faiyad, I. Poeata

Endovascular treatment options for carotid-cavernous fistulae

Roxana Codreanu, Rares Cristian Filep, Lucian Marginean

Deep cerebral vein thrombosis due to anaemia in a child

Rajneesh Misra, Sushil Kumar, Sandeep Sharma

Long term clinical outcome following decompressive surgery for Cauda Equina Syndrome. A single centre experience from India

Lohar Vishnu Kumar, Jaiswal Gaurav, Gupta Tarun Kumar, Jain Sachin Kumar, Lodha Krishna Govind, Yadav Kaushal

Visual outcome analysis in patients with posterior fossa tumours undergoing surgical treatment

Deepak Kumar Singh, Vrihaspati Kumar Agrahari, Mohd. Kaif, Rakesh Kumar, Kuldeep Yadav

Single versus double burr holes evacuation in the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma. A tertiary centre experience

Shrish Nalin, Anurag Sahu, Kanika Gupta, Kulwant Singh

Upper cervical spine tuberculosis. A case report

Adel Khelifa, Lakhdar Berchiche, Walid Bennabi, Muneer Al Zekri, Abdelhalim Morsli

The use of corticosteroids in autoimmune encephalitisBasic and clinical considerations

Ivan David Lozada Marintez, Bryan Lester Nahar-González, Yandris Arevalo-Martínez, Loraine Quintana-Pajaro, Silvia Prada-Soto, Teresa Pacheco-Hernandez, William Florez-Perdomo, Yelson Alejandro Picón-Jaimes, Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar

Paediatric brain abscesses in tribal region of India. A single centre experience

Sachin Kumar Jain, Gaurav Jaiswal, Tarun Kumar Gupta, Krishna Govind Lodha, Vishnu Kumar Lohar, Kaushal Yadav

Lateral orbitotomy in the management of an intra-orbital lipoma. A case report

Mandour Cherkaoui, Ait Lhaj El Houssaine, Khouya Ali Adil, Gazzaz Miloudi, E.L. Mostarchid Brahim

Primary calvarial cavernous haemangioma in a child. A case report

Khelifa Adel, Walid Bennabi, Lakhdar Berchiche, Abdelhalim Morsli

A solitary case of gliosarcoma an indication for TP53 mutation analysis: a non-concordant finding. Case report

Ebtesam Abdulla , Nabeel Hameed , Roopa Arora

C7 contribution to the ulnar nerve. Literature review

Lívio Pereira de Macêdo, Arlindo Ugulino Netto, Kauê Franke, Pierre Vansant Oliveira Eugenio, Lucas Ribeiro de Moraes Freitas, Fábio Antônio Serra de Lima Júnior, João Vitor Romeiro de Paula, Silvya Nery Bernardino, Fernando Henrique Morais de Souza, Nivaldo S. Almeida, Hildo Rocha Cirne Azevedo-Filho

Burr-hole craniostomy versus mini-craniotomy in the treatment of chronic subdural hematomas. Analysis of clinical results

André Tokpa, Moussa Diallo, Louis Kéabléon Derou, Yves Soress Dongo, Bernard Fionko, Adéréhime Haïdara

Shunt in scrotum: unusual shunt complication in an operated case of post TBM hydrocephalus

Manoj Agarwal, Sharad Pandey, Pankaj Kumar, L.N. Gupta

Spectrum of non-traumatic craniovertebral junction disorders. Diagnosis and demonstration with magnetic resonance imaging and multidetector computed tomography

Neha Singh, Deepak Kumar Singh

Possibilities of endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery in treatment of growth-hormone pituitary adenomas

Ruslan V. Aksyonov, Orest I. Palamar, Andriy P. Huk, Dmytro S. Teslenko, Dmytro I. Okonskyi

Letter to the editor. Intracranial aneurysm: research in preclinical outcome models and human effectiveness of intraluminal devices

Amit Agrawal, Luis Rafael Moscote-Salazar, Tariq Janjua



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